Alex City, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and the steets of Alex City are important for understanding the local community. The most common means of transportation for residents of this city are cars, walking, and public transit. Of the population that commuting by car is the most common, the rest use public transportation or carpooling. Among those who commute by car, 85.5% drive alone to work, while 11.8% carpool or walk to work.

The median age for all Alexander City residents was 40.2 in 2019. Among those that were US citizens, the percentage was significantly higher than the national average of 93.4%. Additionally, the city was home to more non-families than any other Alabama city. The most common racial groups living below the poverty line were Black, Hispanic, and White. The median household size was 2.40 and the average family size was 2.95.

Alexander City is located in Tallapoosa County, Alabama and has an estimated population of 13,912 by 2020. It is the 51st largest city in Alabama and the 2439th largest in the United States. The city's population is decreasing at a rate of -0.96 percent per year, and has decreased by 6.47 percent since the 2010 census. The city spans 42 square miles, and the population density is 331 per square mile.