Aliceville, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for Population & Steets in Alicevillle City, Alabama? If so, you've come to the right place. Aliceville is a small city in Pickens County, about 36 miles west of Tuscaloosa. The 2010 census recorded the population as 2,486. It was 2,567 at the time of the 2000 census. For more information on this city, read on.

The racial composition of Aliceville is diverse. A large majority of residents are white, but blacks and Hispanics represent a smaller minority. The diversity score is another indicator of the city's racial makeup. Green areas show greater racial diversity while red areas have lower racial diversity. However, it's not necessarily safe to live near parks and recreational areas.

The median income of residents in Aliceville, AL is $22,692. This is below the national average of $65,712 for women. More than half of the population lives in households with a total value of over $77,000. The majority of residents of Aliceville, AL commute to work alone and have one car per household. The population is 2.36k and only 0.212% of its residents are Hispanic.

The postal service uses the default name for this city. Aliceville's population is listed in the years 2010 and 2020. This city's ZIP code can be retrieved by searching for the city name and corresponding postal code. Alternatively, you can do a search for a ZIP code of a nearby city in the state. If the ZIP code of Aliceville, AL is unknown, you can search the area by typing in the state name to find the city.