If you are looking for information on the population and steets of Ariton City, you have come to the right place. You can find out how many people live in Ariton City and how many of them are renters. We've compiled this information for your convenience. This map includes the number of crimes that occur in the city. You can also view the crime rate in Ariton by neighborhood, so you can find out how many crimes you might encounter.
The population of Ariton is composed of mainly whites, while 12.3% of the workforce is black or African American. Only 7% of the population works in sales. The average income in Ariton is $59,000, which compares favorably with the Alabama and national average. The city has a high percentage of residents with a high school diploma, and 12% of its residents have a Bachelor's degree.
The median age in Ariton is 35.8, which is younger than the average age of a person in AZ. More than 30% of Ariton's residents live in cars, trucks, and other vehicles. Only a small portion of the population lives in apartments or condos. Residents are usually married. Ariton has a low rate of crime. Ariton has a high population of young professionals.
The median income of the residents of Ariton is $24,286. This is the median household income of the city. Its poverty rate is 6.81%. Ariton is a good place to live and visit! So, what are you waiting for? Get started today by looking at the population and steets of Ariton, AL. You'll be glad you did!