If you are looking for the population and steets of Autaugaville City, Alabama, you have come to the right place. Here you will find all the information you need to know. Whether you are moving to this town or just looking for a little more information, you will find it all here. Whether you are a resident of the city or just passing through, you can find out more about it from the statistics below.
First settled in Autaugaville was William Thompson, who in 1780 founded a gristmill and sawmill on Swift Creek, about three miles upriver from the Alabama River. In 1839, the town was incorporated, and in 1907 it had grown a cotton mill located on Swift Creek. The mill owner built housing for the employees. The cotton mill and the relocation of residents from Vernon helped the city grow. In 1851, the city had a population of 351, with four stores, a church, and a school.
The current population of Autaugaville is 792 people, and the population peaked in 2010 at 870. Compared to other cities in Alabama, this is lower-middle income, corresponding to $89,340 for a family of four. Autaugaville is racially and ethnically diverse. The most common race reported by residents of Autaugaville is Black, followed by White, Irish, and Scots-Irish. The next most common ancestry is German.