Boykin, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information is a snapshot of the population of Boykin, SC. The majority of the population is white, while 12.3% are black and 0.7% are American Indian. The remaining population is comprised of 17.8% Hispanics and 2.6% people of other races. As part of the Census Bureau's definition of poverty, the number of people in Boykin living in poverty falls below the federal poverty level.

As of 2010-2014, there were 127 people living in Boykin. The population has declined by 76.4% since the last census. The median home value is $63,200, and there are approximately three cars per household. The median age of people living in Boykin is 64.4 years old. Most people in this city commute alone. While the population is declining, home values have increased over the last decade.

If you want to know the population of nearby cities, you should look up their distances from Boykin, VA. In addition to nearby cities, you should also check the United States Postal Service's website. There is a Boykin post office there. The community's name was changed due to the Alabama River dam, which flooded thousands of acres of the most fertile land. Despite the change, however, Gee's Bend still had a certain aura, especially when the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was scheduled to visit the area in 1965.

A recent Census of Population & Steets in Boykins City, SC shows that the median household income in Boykin, SC is $31,406 (for males and $20,625, respectively). The average per capita income in this area is $16,148. A recent survey shows that 8.4% of residents live in poverty and 15.2% are under the age of 18 years. The percentage of households that are not in a family or a single person living alone is 22.9%.