Brookwood, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Brookwood City? Brookwood is one of the 243 neighborhoods in Atlanta. To help you determine its population, here are some statistics about the area. First, let's take a look at the area's crime rates. Then, compare that to the national average. Brookwood has a high crime rate, but it is far safer than the state or national average.

The population of Brookwood is approximately 1.06k people, making it the sixth fastest growing city in Alabama. The city is home to approximately 1483 people living within its corporate limits, and an estimated 25k in a 25-mile radius. There are several different economic indicators that can help you gauge your target audience. For example, the median household income is $45,742, while the average household income is $52,623. The highest-paying jobs are found in the health care and social assistance industries, which employ a total of 27% of the population.

If you're planning a vacation, you'll want to know about nearby cities. A big city will likely have a major airport. You'll also find out if Brookwood is close to a large city. If not, you can always try a smaller city - these are more likely to have a smaller population. If that's the case, check out the city's population and Steets.