Coosada, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering about the Population & Steets in Cosada City, AL, you're not alone. The town has more than one thousand people. In 2017, it was home to 1,116 people. In 2019 that number dropped to 1,112. In this town, the median home value was $153,800. The homeownership rate was 78.9%. The average commute time was 25.3 minutes, which is just about right for the city.

The median age for the population of Coosada, AL is 39.7. This includes both native and foreign-born residents. The median age for foreign-born residents was 44. This was a slight increase from the previous year. And the percentage of people who live in Coosada who have health insurance is nearly identical to the state average. In 2019, the most common foreign-born citizens were from Mexico, Guatemala, and India. Among the residents of Coosada, AL, there are 984 people who are foreign-born.

The median income for Coosada, AL is $50,000. Nearly 22% of residents live below the poverty line, and a third of families live below the federal poverty level. The unemployment rate in Coosada is 2.1%, and among adults who are 16 years old and older, thirty percent work for the local, state, and federal government. And the median household income is $50,000.