The population of Deatsville, AL is a little under one thousand people. This is much lower than the national average of 33.8 years. But it is still younger than the average American, who is thirty-nine years old. The foreign-born population of Deatsville, AL was 8.9% higher than the national average, at sixteen percent. And the number of people who are 65 years old and older is significantly lower, at eight percent.
While serious financial hardship is not common in Deatsville, it is far less likely than in other parts of the country. Only 17.5% of the Alabama population lives below the poverty line. Detailed analyses of crime, cost of living, and education are also available for every state. But you should understand that the color of a crime map doesn't always translate to a danger for its residents. The darker the color, the higher the number.
Deatsville has a relatively low crime rate. The risk of being a victim of crime is one in thirteen in the city's central neighborhoods and about one in five in the city's southwest section. The comparison isn't necessarily intuitive, but it does show that the east part of Deatsville has more crimes than the southeast. This is in line with state statistics, but the city's population does not reflect crime rates in the neighborhood.
While many places in the state use the name Deatsville, it's really a zip code. In fact, this ZIP code is actually a city. Moreover, it belongs to the multi-county category. It has the ZIP code 36022, which means that you'll find it by looking at the address. That's a good thing if you want to contact a local business owner.