Dixons Mills, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that Dixons Mills, Alabama has an estimated population of 14,880? Did you know that Dixons Mills uses the 36736 ZIP code? If so, you've come to the right place. In this article, you'll find out what the city's population and its steets are. Also, you'll discover a brief history of Dixons Mills, including its post office.

When looking up a census data, it's important to take note of the population of the surrounding towns. These towns are within 100 miles of Dixons Mills, AL, and might be interesting to visit. Here's a look at a few of them. Sweet Water has the highest percentage of married couples with 92%, followed by Thomasville at 90.6 percent. Dixons Mill CCD's overall ratio of families to households is 59.4%.

If you're interested in knowing the racial makeup of Dixons Mills, Alabama, you've come to the right place. The racial makeup of Dixons Mills varies from place to place, with the majority of residents being Black or African-American. There are also important ancestries of Germans, Austrians, and Yugoslavians, as well as others. English is the predominant language, but there are also languages of African origin, including Spanish, Arabic, and French.

While Dixons Mills has a low crime rate, it is comparatively safe and quiet. Crime in Dixons Mills is lower than the average, which makes it an excellent choice for a family with small children. There are only a few places in Dixons Mills that have crime rates higher than the national average, so these areas may appear to be safer than others. You can find Dixons Mills census data by visiting the city's official website.