Crime rates in Dozier vary widely. For example, the rate of crime in Dozier's south neighborhoods can be one in twenty-three, whereas it is one in thirty-four in the city's southeast section. While the rate is different across the city, it is generally higher than in neighboring cities, such as Pine Apple, which has a rent burden of 47.9%. Overall, more people rent than own their homes, and the north part of Dozier has a higher percentage of renters.
You can view renter-occupied housing units in Dozier by using the census and ESRI data. Dozier, AL has fewer than half of the city's renter-occupied units, while Newville has a little over three-fourths of the city's renter-occupied housing units. You can find a list of nearby towns by entering the name of the city in the search bar.
The USPS has listed Dozier, Alabama, as the town's ZIP code. It has a default name, and many local residents refer to the city as Dozier. The city's population is estimated to be 315 by 2020. The ZIP code is also used to copy mail. However, you should make sure you have a physical address and post office when sending out mail. This will make it easier for you to avoid getting lost.
Dozier City has an excellent quality of life. The median household income in Dozier City is $27,847. There are many affordable housing options in Dozier City, including apartment complexes. The median house value is $26,066. The city has a lower percentage of people who are unemployed. Also, the number of households with children is significantly higher than the state average. The county's foreign-born population is only 0.6% of its total population. The percentage of people with a bachelor's degree is also lower than average.