If you're looking for the Population & Steets in Garden Cty., you've come to the right place. These numbers provide an overview of the city's demographic makeup. These statistics are updated annually by the U.S. Census Bureau. You can also find out if the city is racially diverse or not. There's also a map of the city's diversity scores.
There's something for every taste in Garden City. With over 2,000 residents, this city has a lot to offer. Real estate in the city is affordable, and median home prices are $83,300. That's thirty-four percent lower than the state's average. The median home price is also lower than the average. The home price to income ratio for Garden City, NY is 1.6. That's more affordable than the rest of Long Island, and the average home price is $187,500.
The violent crime rate in Garden City is 3.29 per thousand residents during a standard year. The west and northwest sections of the city are the safest for residents. The north part of Garden City has more crime, while the west and south areas are safest. You should note that the violent crime rate map does not always reflect the danger level of the city's residents. Instead, it's a better indication of neighborhood safety.
The Garden City downtown area has a history of development. Its historic district and several new buildings have improved over the years. It was once home to Bloomingdale's and Lord & Taylor, which moved to the nearby Roosevelt Field shopping center. Currently, Franklin Avenue has several luxury restaurants. Despite its small size, the town is experiencing a growth of residents and businesses. With new construction and a revitalized downtown, the city's economy is growing.