You may be wondering, "What is the population & steets in Gilbertown City?" If so, you've come to the right place. You can find out everything about this town from its history to its population. Gilbertown, Alabama is a small town in Choctaw County, Alabama, United States. In fact, it's one of the smallest cities in the United States.
The crime rate of a city can indicate the safety of the population. A high crime rate can lead to residents avoiding valuable activities and causing them to feel unsafe. High crime rates can also cause businesses to leave the city, resulting in less tax revenue and increased insurance costs. In Gilbertown, the rate of property and violent crime is significantly lower than the national average. Despite its low crime rate, there are some places in Gilbertown that have higher crime rates.
In 2019, there were 193 residents in Gilbertown, Alabama. The population is 100 percent rural and has a median gross rent of $290. As of August 05, 2022, there were five sex offenders in the city, a ratio of 33 to one. As a result, a visit to Gilbertown will provide you with important information on the population and steets of this town.
As a city's economic asset, the population is an important asset. Knowing the population growth history is important, because this will help you predict the city's future growth potential. According to the most recent census data, the population of Gilbertown, AL was 229 people in 1920. In 2010, the population grew by 15.0% from 187 to 215 people. Since 1990, the population increased by a low of four hundred and thirteen people.