If you want to find out more about the people of Hartford City, you should know its population and statistics. Compared to the rest of the US, Hartford has a higher rate of home ownership. There are about 78% of Hartford's households with a home ownership rate. It's important to know that Hartford is one of the poorest cities in the United States, with 3 out of 10 families living below the poverty line. The Hartford metropolitan area was ranked 32nd in total economic production, and seventh in per capita income. Most jobs in Hartford are held by people from neighboring towns and cities.
The city's economic development has been driven by the transportation equipment industry, which accounts for nearly eleven percent of the city's job market. This sector has been a primary source of employment for residents of Hartford City since its founding. However, there are no auto parts plants located in the city. As a result, Hartford City has become less of a bedroom community that relied on jobs nearby. The city now has an emphasis on developing businesses within the city. There are six businesses that employ between 100 and 350 people in Hartford City. No company in Hartford City has over 350 employees.
The city's population has grown significantly since the 1960s. The median age for residents was 41.3 years old, with 13.1% of residents being under the age of 18. The city's population was made up of 25-44-year-olds, and twenty-four percent of residents were 65 years and older. The gender makeup of the city was 52.6% male and seventy-three percent female.