If you're interested in living in a small town with a big personality, then you've probably wondered what Headland's population looks like. Fortunately, this Alabama town is no stranger to the spotlight, as it played host to the Headland Dixie Runners during the 1950s. More recently, it's been home to the Dixie Youth Baseball World Championships. In addition, the first Baptist church in Headland was organized in 1837 and is one of the oldest churches in the state.
The census found that thirty-nine percent of Headland's residents were under the age of 18, while twenty-one percent were between the ages of 25-44. The average household size was two adults, with the ratio of males to females of 18-to-64 years high. The median age was 38.3 years, and there were 299 people per household. The population density is very low at 7.7 people per square mile, and there are no schools in Headland.
Crime rates vary depending on the location. In the city of Headland, more crimes are committed in the west than in the north. However, it is important to note that this number is only an average, and that it is inflated by the number of people visiting during the day. Often, crimes occur in retail areas, and red areas do not necessarily indicate a high risk to local residents.