Are you trying to find out the Population & Steets in Ide City? If so, you've come to the right place. You'll find this information in a few minutes. Just click on the link below to learn all you need to know. Ider is a small town in DeKalb County, Alabama. The population is approximately 5,600 people. According to the 2010 census, the average family size in Ider is 2.9. It is smaller than the state average, but has a high school. The Homecoming Parade is an annual event, kicking off a football game.
In terms of family size, there are approximately 67% single-parent households in Ider. That's a higher percentage than Valley Head. While Ider is small, the town is still relatively safe and is home to many families. The median age is thirty-four. The population of Ider is also less than half a mile away from Mentone, making it a good place for those who live near an active road.
When looking for the population and steets in Ider, consider the types of people living in the neighborhood. While it's not uncommon to see families with young children, many couples choose to stay home and raise children. Ider's population is only around seven hundred people. The town was incorporated in 1973, and its population is expected to increase to about eight hundred in the 2020 census.