Kellerman, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you want to find out more about the population and steets in Kellerman City, Iowa, you'll want to start by checking out the demographics for the area. In 2010, the population of Kellerman City, Iowa, was 1,389. In the census, there were 367 households, with an average density of 1,739.3 people per square mile. The median age of the population was twenty-four, and there were 320 households with children under the age of 18. There were also 1.6% of households with individuals, including one person over the elderly. Overall, the population was remarkably young, with the median age of twenty-four years old.

Kettleman City was founded in 1929 by A. Manford Brown, who donated the land for the community church and school. The town was named after him, and State Route 41 was created in his honor. By the 1940s, the population was near 600. The completion of Interstate 5 and the California Aqueduct in the early 1970s increased the city's growth rate. In the late 1970s, a Waste Management facility was built in the city.