Loachapoka, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The first settlement in Loachapoka was at the Ball's Fork crossroads, where Williamson W. Plant erected the first store. Later, he operated a hotel and livery stable for stagecoach teams. Stagecoaches traveled through Loachapoka on their way from Montgomery to Tallapoosa County. Wagon trains also departed from Ball's Fork. The town was the site of the first Baptist and Methodist church, and the community also had a circuit rider.

There are 221 residents in Loachapoka, AL. The median property value was $162,500. A high percentage of residents live in single family homes. Loachapoka has a low poverty rate, with 71.4% of households living below the federal poverty line. The average commute time to work is 27 minutes. There are three cars per household. Loachapoka is home to 221 residents, and 97.3% of these people are citizens.

A list of cities near Loachapoka, AL will help you explore the area and get a feel for the community. A few of these larger cities are located less than 65 miles from Loachapoka, making them useful for booking a flight or a road trip. If you're interested in learning more about the surrounding area, you can visit the local school or the Lee County Historical Fair Pioneer Park.

The median household income in Loachapoka is $55,250. This is lower than the median income of $65,712 in the United States. At the same time, the median household income is higher than the national average of $51,875 - suggesting that Loachapoka is a relatively high-income town. The median household income in Loachapoka City is $55,250.