If you are considering moving to Marion Junction City, you're likely wondering about the city's population and steets. The city has an average population of 581 people and is a suburb-rural mix. Most residents own their homes, but there are several bars, and the population is generally conservative. The Norfolk and Western Railroad bisects the city, denying the northern section of the city convenient access to downtown Marion and the central business district. In addition, the noise generated by the railroad discourages new development and the rehabilitation of existing residential structures.
In the twentieth century, the county was not overrun with African-Americans. The local school system did not suffer from desegregation issues. However, in the 1980s, federal authorities raided the Zarephath-Horeb compound, which housed weapons and poison. The group never reached more than 100 members, and it eventually faded into obscurity. It's not easy to determine the number of white people living in Marion Junction City.
While there are a limited number of available lots for development in the Marion downtown, there are ample opportunities for development within the next two decades. But Marion faces challenges in achieving its goals of affordable housing, a viable downtown, and residential quality. It must also encourage the establishment of modern businesses, but they must be located near major roadways and minimize their negative impact. Nevertheless, the town's overall goal is to make Marion a livable, vibrant, and diverse community.