What is the Population & Steets of Mathews City? This is an important question to answer before relocating to this area. This article will look at the numbers behind livability in Matthews. Besides describing the area's livability, it will also offer you some information on the area's amenities. The city is home to many attractions, local businesses, and other interesting things to do.
First, you should understand the community's economic situation. The city has a relatively high poverty rate - 45.3%, compared to Virginia's rate of 8.22%. In addition to determining the poverty rate, you can see the median gross rent in the area. This figure will tell you how affordable Mathews is compared to other Virginia cities. You will also find that 55.0% of the population resides in homes they rent.
The area is home to a large number of businesses and restaurants. Several sandwich shops serve fast-casual cuisine and provide quick meals for residents. Independence Boulevard bisects the city. Food trucks are a regular feature in downtown Matthews. Food trucks line the street from March to September. A few of the restaurants are popular for their food. It can be a challenging task to find affordable real estate in Matthews, but the area may be the best of both worlds.
The population of Mathews City is fairly evenly spread. There are 252 households with children under the age of 18, and 9.1% households with a female householder who is not married. Forty-eight percent of households consist of people who are 45-64 years of age or older. There were also 14.3% households with senior citizens who lived alone. The average household size in Mathews City is 2.38 people.