Maylene, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for the population and steets of Maylene, Alabama, you've come to the right place. Use our interactive map to see crime rates per 1,000 residents and visitors. Note that Maylene is not as dangerous as nearby cities, but you should still stay safe. Our table compares the crime rates in nearby cities to Maylene's. You can also view crime rates for other cities that have similar populations and sizes.

What are the nearest cities to Maylene, AL? If you want to go on a road trip, consider the towns nearby. You can easily find flights from these cities, which are within 32 miles of Maylene. You can also look for cities near Maylene to get a better feel for the culture and people of that city. With such a large selection, you're bound to find one that suits your needs.

The median price of real estate in Maylene, AL is $266,924. This is a bit higher than the U.S. average of $209,998. However, Maylene's median house price is lower than that of other cities with similar population and median home prices. The crime rate in Maylene is below the state average of 6.2 percent. This makes it an ideal place to raise a family. The schools are highly regarded by residents and are a great place for families.