Midway City is located in California. Its population is approximately 9,500 people. Its median household income is $44,425. The median racial and ethnic makeup of the city is 48.3% male to 50.2% female. There are also many families, with 16.9% being non-white. Below you'll find some interesting demographic information about this city. You can also find out where the poverty rate is.
The city is composed of four islands and four anemic sections. The majority of residents speak Vietnamese. English is the second most commonly spoken language. Spanish is the third most common language. The stairway system in Midway City is a good way to get around town and get around the island. You can also take advantage of free public transportation in this area. However, keep in mind that public transportation in the city is limited.
The town of Bolsa was founded in 1870. Clyde Hazard's great-grandparents named Hazard Avenue after them. The town was originally called Bolsa, but Robert Samuel Hazard moved to the Westminster district in 1881. In February 1882, he and his wife Betsy Ann purchased forty acres of land northwest of the town. Betsy Ann Hazard was a direct descendant of the White family, which arrived in Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1620 on the Mayflower. The town received a post office in 1891.
Residents of Midway City work in several different sectors. The most common industries are manufacturing, health care, and retail trade. Other industries may also be present. The Census reports that Midway City's residents commute by car, motorcycle, and by foot. Its median home value is $814,900. Home appreciation in the city during the past ten years has been 6.0%. There are many reasons why this city is a great place to live.