Ohatchee is located in Alabama. There are approximately 94% white residents and 4.0% black residents. Hispanic residents make up about 0.9% of the population. Residents earn a median of $43,484 a year. A higher percentage lives in a home. Ohatchee has a high school graduation rate of 61%.
Despite the low population, the city is home to numerous artists and designers. It also has more people working in the arts and media than nearly 90% of American communities. This concentration of talent contributes to Ohatchee's distinct character. Here, artists, musicians, and designers are found in abundance, which further contributes to the area's unique character.
Ohatchee is home to a small town complex and a military community. It's located halfway between Atlanta and Birmingham. The weather in Ohatchee is mild and comfortable during May, April, and July. The population of the city is approximately 962 people.
Ohatchee is located in the county of Calhoun. Its population is estimated to be about 1170 people, or 571 households. A majority of the people are white, and there are no Asian or American Indian residents. The median age for the population is 44.4 years. Males outnumber females by 105.3 to 100.
The median property value in Ohatchee, AL was $148,300 in 2020. This is about 0.645 times lower than the national average. Despite the low median property value, 99.7% of the residents of Ohatchee are U.S. citizens. In Ohatchee, AL, the median home value was $148,300. Eighty-three percent of the population is homeowners. The median household owns three cars.