To find out the population and steets of Owens Cross Roads, AL, you must first know some basic information about the area. This information is essential when looking to move to this city. Below you'll find a map of the neighborhood and other pertinent information. The population of Owens Cross Roads is smaller than the population of other cities in Alabama. You should also know that the population of the city is mostly white.
The majority racial group in Owens Cross Roads is White (Non-Hispanic). However, you can find out whether you're part of this racial group by checking the diversity score. This data shows the percentage of people of each race living in Owens Cross Roads. If you're interested in knowing more about this population, there are also detailed demographics available.
Moreover, you'll find out the number of violent crimes per 100,000 residents in the city. The southwest part is considered the safest for people. The north portion has the highest violent crime rate, while the east side is the least dangerous for the city's residents. If you want to know the number of violent crimes per capita in Owens Cross Roads, look at the violent crime map.
Demographics of Owens Cross Roads, AL are available through the United States Census Bureau and the American Community Survey. As a whole, the population density of Owens Cross Roads is 2,234 per square mile. New Hope has a population of 2,881, so Owens Cross Roads has a relatively high population density. For that reason, you should check out the population density of Owens Cross Roads, AL before you decide to move.