If you want to learn about the population of Perdido City, AL, then this article is for you. You will learn more about the demographics of the city and what makes it unique from other areas of Alabama. Perdido City is an area located within the Mobile metro area, and contains portions of Escambia and Baldwin counties. The area code for Perdido City is 251, and its residents belong to the Lower Middle Class socio-economic class.
There are several cities that are close to Perdido City. Perdido Bay, FL is only 51 miles away from these cities, and both are convenient for travelers. You can use these cities to book flights between the two cities, or to plan a road trip. Listed below are the cities closest to Perdido Bay, FL:
In 2019, Perdido, AL had a population of 795 people. The median age was 49.5. The median household income was $43,026. The income inequality in Perdido, AL was 0.459. The population of Perdido is comprised of 267 workers, and the local economy is dominated by the Public Administration sector. Public Administration, Construction, and Educational Services & Health & Social Assistance are the three industries with the highest wages.