Pike Road, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Pike Road is located in Montgomery County, Alabama. The population is expected to reach 10,245 by the year 2020, and the city is growing at a rate of 4.09% annually. The city has a poverty rate of 4.85% and a median household income of $118,980. The median home value is $298,400. The median age is 36 years old, and the median racial/ethnicity is white.

Pike Road City is a historic town that has grown rapidly. As a result of new homes being built, the population doubled during the 1980s, and residents' calls for incorporation grew stronger. The community has a rich history of welcoming people and encouraging them to make a living in this community.

Pike Road City is primarily made up of young adults who want to start families. The median age is 39 years old, and the typical family has 3.1 members. In terms of diversity, Pike Road ranks 37th in the state and 2166 in the country, according to the US Census and American Community Survey.

The city's population is composed of whites, blacks, and Asians. Approximately 0.5% of the population is American Indian and 2.3% is Hispanic. A full 80% of the city's population is in the labor force, and its unemployment rate is 3.2%.