If you're looking for the latest population and steets information, you've come to the right place. This article will show you the latest Pinson City statistics. Read on to discover more! Among other things, you can learn about Pinson City's ethnic composition. For example, the city's median age was 39.2 years. Its population is made up of both native-born residents and people who were born outside of the United States.
The nearest major airport is located in nearby Memphis, TN. It is only 72 miles away from the center of Pinson City. Then, you can search for flights to nearby cities. Alternatively, you can search for flights to cities that are 4 hours or less away from Pinson. There are also several smaller airports nearby. To get the most out of your flight, look for flights to cities that are located within 4 hours of Pinson, TN.
The area around the Palmerdale / Sueann neighborhood is characterized by a diversity of ethnic groups. The largest group of residents in the neighborhood identify themselves as English or Irish, followed by Italian and Scottish. While this is indicative of a large ethnic group, it is not necessarily representative of the entire community. If you're unsure, start by looking at the numbers in the Palmerdale / Sueann neighborhood.