Ragland, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the Population & Steets of Ragland City, AL, you have come to the right place. Below, you will find important information about the city. The statistics are based on 2016 data. You can also view Ragland's street view or satellite view to learn more about the area. The number of households varies significantly depending on the area, and the percentage of renter-occupied units is much higher than the national average.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 0.7% of the residents in Ragland are non-English speakers. Other common languages spoken by Ragland residents are Spanish and Indo-European. In terms of employment, 13.9% of the residents work in the government. The poverty rate for Ragland is 10.7%, which is below the national average. Most of the people living in Ragland, AL are employed in Manufacturing, Retail Trade, and Transportation & Warehousing.

The city of Ragland, AL is home to 1,827 people who are of voting age. Its median age is 43.4 years. The median income in Ragland is $36,875 per person. Those who are 65 years or older are 16.5% of the population. The city's ethnicity makes up 14.7% of the total population. Other than whites, there are 0.5% Hispanic and Asian residents.

The population of Ragland City is composed of a mix of individuals and families. A total of 648 households had children under the age of eighteen. The remainder of households were made up of married couples with a female householder whose husband was absent. Another 17.1% of the population were non-families. And the last quarter of the population consisted of individuals and senior citizens living alone. The male to female ratio in Ragland City is 91.5 to 100 and 98.2 for every 100 females over the age of 18.