Ranburne, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Ranburne City, Alabama is home to approximately 392 people. The city's median home value is $142,600. Home appreciation over the past 10 years is 3.7%. This is lower than the state average of 17.5%. The average commute time is about 35.6 minutes.

The Ranburne city demographics show that the median age is 47.0 years. This is lower than the median age of the neighboring Morrison Crossroads CDP, which has a median age of 61.0 years. The population of Ranburne is a mix of men and women, with slightly more females than males.

Ranburne's ethnicity is diverse, with a large Native American population. The city also has a small Hispanic population, with 1.0% Hispanic citizens. However, the overall population is white. Ranburne is a mid-size city.

The percent of single people living in Ranburne households is 42%, which is in line with other cities in the area. The highest percent of single people is in nearby Bowdon at 56%. Ranburne has a lower percent of singles than the United States average.

The City of Ranburne is located in the state of Alabama. The population is projected to reach 424 people by 2020, an increase of 0.47% since the 2010 census. The average household income is $65,066. The poverty rate is 9.06%. The median home price is $150,000. The median age of residents is 44.1 years old. Males live in Ranburne.