Smiths Sta, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following chart shows the population and steets of the city of Smiths Station, Alabama. Smiths Station has 17.8% of the total population. The city has a low poverty rate and a low crime rate. The birth rate is also fairly low at 5.4%. Similarly, there are low birth rates in Cusseta, AL at 14.5%. Nevertheless, these two cities are quite different when it comes to racial diversity.

The population of Smiths Station, AL is made up of a mix of races, including white people, Black and African Americans, and Hispanics. The median household income is $51,235. While this is low, it is still above the national average. The poverty rate is 10.2% and the labor force participation rate is 58.7%. The median age of people living in Smiths Station, AL is 43.2.

The median property value in Smiths Station, AL is $151,200. This is 0.429 times smaller than the national average. The homeownership rate in Smiths Station, AL is 71.1%, which is higher than the national average. The median car ownership rate is also the same as the national average. Smiths Station, AL residents own two cars on average. It is a good time to move to Smiths Station, AL!

The 2010 census showed that there are 1,913 households in Smiths Station. Each household had 1,407 members. This was spread across 8,437 housing units. The majority of the population is white. Approximately 14.9% were black. Other races included Native American and Asian people. Two percent of the population was Hispanic. Compared to the state average, Smiths Station has a lower poverty rate than the national average.