In 2019 the population of Sterrett, AL was 977. The median property value was $130,800. The homeownership rate was 97.2%, with the average commute time of 32.4 minutes. The median car ownership rate was two cars per household. The median age in Sterrett was 33.2 years old, with 0% of residents being under the age of 18.
The median household income in Sterrett, AL is $47,159, which is below the national median of $65,712. The y-axis uses a logarithmic scale, which helps show how different small means of transportation affect the average household's monthly income. This chart shows how Sterrett, AL households are distributed by car ownership buckets. The largest share of households own two cars, and the second largest group owns no cars at all. The overall rental vacancy rate was 5.0% in 2019, which was significantly lower than the national average of 8.0%.
The Starrett City complex is owned by David Bistricer, and was sold to his company, Clipper Equity LLC, for $1.3 billion. While the new owners promised to keep the complex affordable, housing advocates and tenants raised concerns about the new owners' intentions. As a result, Starrett City was sold to Clipper Equity, which proposed a revised bid to HUD, which included reducing operating expenses and redeveloping part of the land into new housing. The new owners received support from prominent ministers, and a group of tenants organized to protest the sale.
The history of Starrett City is singular, shaped by urban crosscurrents, housing policy, and the changing concept of community. Genevro surveyed long-term residents, those who helped build the development, and people who grew up there. In the end, Starrett City offers a counter-example to the trending trends in housing and urban policy.