Are you curious to know the Population & Steets in Titos City? Do you want to live in a beautiful city with an incredible population? If so, here are some statistics on this quaint southern town. You will be able to determine the average age of residents and see the number of households in the area. Also, you can learn about local events and find out what the local economy looks like.
For example, the Titus County greater area has a Hispanic population of 43.6%. The same is true for the Titus City population. The county has the lowest female population of any county in the surrounding area, which makes it the second most diverse county in the area. Similarly, Titus City has a higher number of single women than any other city in the state of Texas.
In 2010, the population of Titus City was 85.7% white, 7.2% black, and 0.1% Asian. The median age of residents was 20 years. In addition, there were 31% more men than women in the city. There were 74% of women in the city who were educated, earning $51,782.
The town was originally called Riceville, but was renamed by a military officer who had a domino challenge with a local captain. The winning colonel was Colonel Titus, and the town was named after him. In 1873, he was able to rename Sand Point Titusville. He and his wife, Mary, donated land for the town's first courthouse and established a railroad link to the outside world by mule-drawn wagons.