When you're looking for information on Tuscaloosa city's population, you'll want to check out the City's Population & Steets. Tuscaloosa's population is comprised of around 130,000 people, and the city is home to a variety of federal, state, and local agencies. For example, the city is the seat of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama. The Federal Courthouse, also known as the Federal Courthouse, is located in the city. Many federal agencies and organizations operate in the city, including the Department of Justice.
The city's population was composed of 36,185 households in 2010. Of these, 31.5% were made up of households with children, while 16.2% of the households were headed by a woman without a husband. Approximately 51.4% of the city's residents lived in households that did not include a family. In addition, 35% of households were made up of individuals. There were also 7.8% of senior citizens living alone.
There are several universities in Tuscaloosa, including the University of Alabama, which enrolls about 40,000 students. The city's Muslim population is smaller, but the Islamic Center, a mosque and a Jehovah's Witness kingdom hall are both located within the city. Listed below are the cities with the highest percentage of population and Steets. The City's economy has grown by leaps and bounds, as Tuscaloosa has become an important regional center for education, healthcare, and industry. A low cost of living and affordable housing attract new residents.