Vinemont, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How safe is Vinemont? It is generally safe, but crime rates vary dramatically by neighborhood. In the northern neighborhoods, the crime rate is 1 in 16, while it's only 1 in 38 in the eastern neighborhoods. Crime rates vary so widely that it's not as easy to compare them. To help you determine the safety of Vinemont, we've created a crime map. This map closely resembles state population maps. The northwest neighborhood has 76 crimes committed per year, while the south side only has 24.

The population and steets of Vinemont are generally lower than the state average. The Hispanic race and foreign-born population are significantly lower than the state average. The number of bachelor's degree holders is lower than the state average. There are also fewer airmen in Vinemont than in other nearby communities. A total of nine patent applications were filed in the city from 2008 to 2022.

There is a higher rate of single women in South Vinemont than in the rest of Vinemont. The median age of women is 7.9% lower than that of men, making this area the second-most family-friendly place in Alabama. The city's low percentage of single women can be useful for employment research. The population is also primarily composed of retirees and young adults. The city's median age is 35 years old, and the population of single women in this neighborhood is only 7.9% younger than the average.