Woodstock is a small, but rapidly growing, town, Georgia. Founded in 1897 as a railroad stop, the community quickly lost its charm and appeal. Today, the city's population is over 23,000, and its downtown has redeveloped into a vibrant destination that draws visitors and residents alike. The center of town now features retail, restaurants, and residential space spread across five buildings.
While the percentage of homeowners is higher than the national average, it is lower when compared to parent and neighboring geographies. In 2019, 82.1% of Woodstock residents drove to work by car alone. Meanwhile, 9.3% of the population worked from home. This chart illustrates how many households in Woodstock, GA used each mode of transportation over time. The graph uses a logarithmic scale to show how much has changed for different types of smaller means of commuting.
The Village of Woodstock, Georgia is a National Register Historic District and was organized on the first Monday of January 1837. In 1819, the town was originally known as North Village or "the Green". The town was settled by Joab Hoisington and his family in 1772 and was home to about 150 residents by the mid-1880s. The village was first laid out in 1819, and by the mid-1880s, the population was around 1,500. Woodstock City has grown to become an economic and commercial hub of the town.
The original village of Woodstock was roughly divided into two towns: Woodstock and Hartland. After the town's boundary was redrawn, most of the village fell under Woodstock City. At that time, Woodstock was a small, undeveloped community. However, its early commercial success was due to its strategic location in the Ottauquechee River valley. As a result, merchants, doctors, and other professions began to settle near Woodstock Green. By the early 1800s, Woodstock had become a dominant presence in the region.