Akiachak, Alaska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Akiachak is made up of people of all races and sexes, with the majority of the residents belonging to the Native American racial or ethnic group. The city also has a significant number of people of the Two or More racial or ethnic groups. These people make up a quarter of the total population of the city. The majority of the people are also non-Hispanic, but there is still a significant amount of Hispanic population, which is 1% of the total population.

The median age of residents in Akiachak, AK is 25 years old, which is 12.1 years younger than the US average. However, only 5.80% of the civilian population is 65 years old and older, compared to 15.2% of the U.S. population. The majority of the population, including military personnel, are under the age of 30. They live in the town of Akiachak for a wide range of reasons, and some of them may be a concern to some.

As a federally recognized Native entity, Akiachak has an exceptionally strong traditional culture. In fact, the village bans the sale of alcohol. The people have a strong sense of community tradition. The government has dissolved the city council, which is the only one in Alaska to do so. This has left the residents in charge of their own government. The town's community is based on traditional values, with an emphasis on subsistence and traditional culture.