The following table shows the Population & Steets of Barrow City, AK. These statistics will help you make educated decisions about your move. To get a better idea of the area, select a city within seventy-nine miles of Barrow. You can also search for a smaller town within the same vicinity. However, these cities may not have the same population density as Barrow.
According to the 2010 Census, there were 78,378 residents in Barrow City. The median household income was $57,348. This is an increase of 8.7% in the last decade. This makes Barrow City, GA the 28th-fastest-growing county in Georgia. Its population increased by 50% between 2000 and 2010. QuickFacts data is derived from the American Community Survey, Census of Population and Housing, Small Area Health Insurance Estimates, State and County Business Patterns, Survey of Business Owners, and Building Permits.
The city is home to a large airport, which carries flights to Barrow and Anchorage. The community is served by four elementary and high schools and is part of the North Slope Borough School District. Its average temperature is -95degF. The airport has a terminal that serves travelers and passengers. There is a grocery store, bank, and post office nearby, as well as many other businesses.
In Barrow, AK, the population has a diverse mix of racial and ethnic backgrounds. The most common economic sectors are construction and manufacturing, while some residents work elsewhere. However, the data collected is tied to a residential address. For example, the current estimated population of Barrow, AK is 4.56% Hispanic, while the minority group is 0.56% white. As the population of Barrow grows, it is projected that its domestic outbound trade will decrease relative to neighboring states.