Are you curious to know the Population & Steets of Chevak City, Alaska? Then you are in the right place! Read on to discover more. In this article, you'll discover all you need to know about Chevak, AK. This small town is located in the Keoklevik Valley. In addition, you'll learn about the various neighborhoods and other interesting things in this city.
The population of Chevak City, Alaska, is considerably younger than the United States. Its median age is only 27.5 years old, which is nearly ten years younger than the national median of 37.9%. The population is also considerably younger, with only 5.2 percent of residents aged 65 years or younger. In fact, the majority of Chevak residents (98.3%) are over 65 years old.
The median household income in Chevak, AK, is $74,017. In comparison to the national median, Chevak residents are more likely to be self-employed or rent. These two factors are likely to be similar, but the income ranges vary. As a result, some residents of Chevak, AK may work in a different location than other residents. Also, the Census data on the region's employment is tagged to a particular residential address. This helps you see variations across smaller transportation methods.
The proportion of women in Chevak is higher than the national average. In contrast, Newtok CDP has the lowest percentage of women in a married couple. The highest percent of women in Chevak is in Toksook Bay. However, Chevak still has lower rates than most communities. Therefore, a study on the city's population and its demographics is very important.