Chignik Lagoon, Alaska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Chignik Lagoon City is about the same age as the U.S. as a whole. The median age of Chignik Lagoon residents is 37.5 years, which is just 0.4 years younger than the national average. Of the adult civilians, 7.5% are veterans. One in every ten Alaskans is a veteran, which is a bit high for Chignik Lagoon.

The racial and ethnic groups living below the poverty line in Chignik Lagoon, AK are Native American, Pacific Islander, and Two or More. Those with incomes below the median are considered to be below the poverty line. The Census Bureau uses a set of income thresholds to define poverty. The thresholds are different depending on the size of the family. If one member of the household is living below the poverty line, the entire family must be.

While the population of Chignik Lagoon City is quite small, it does have many advantages. Because of the location, workers commute faster to work than US citizens. Their commutes are shorter than the national average. In addition, they do not face the problems of traffic or parking. The city's economy is also healthy, and the population is growing. It is home to a number of small businesses, including the Chignik Intertribal Coalition.