Clam Gulch, Alaska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Clam Gulch is 180 people. According to the most recent census, the population has increased 120.0% since the 2000 census. The average commute time for the city's residents is 20.0 minutes. The median home price in the city is $211,800. Home appreciation in the last ten years has been -1.66%. If you're looking for a home in Clam Gulch, you may want to consider buying one.

The median age of the population in Clam Gulch is higher than the state average, and the percentage of foreign-born residents is lower than the state average. The number of college students is higher than the state average, and the median number of rooms per house is lower than the state average. While Clam Gulch is slightly less affluent than the state average, the median income is significantly higher than the state average.

In Clam Gulch, AK, the median property value is $143,800. The median household income is $41,563 - a decline of 0.745% since the last census. The median commute time is 35.1 minutes, and the average car ownership is five. This community has a low poverty rate, with only 12% of residents living below the federal poverty level.

State biologists have struggled to explain why clam numbers are so low. In particular, they point to a large storm in November 2010 that turned up hundreds of thousands of clams on shorelines. That storm only further worsened the problem. The number of clams in Clam Gulch City is predicted to decline by at least 20% in the next five years.