Elim, Alaska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Eliim City are based on a number of factors that measure affluence. These include average household income, net worth, and the value of material possessions. These numbers represent the wealth of residents relative to the national average. A value over one hundred indicates affluence above the national average, while a value under one hundred represents a dearth of wealth. Below are the demographics of the population of Elim, including the percentage of residents who are white and black.

The population of Elim is comprised of 154 residents. The majority of the population is of voting age, with a ratio of 55.2% males to 44.8% females. Approximately 3.7% of Elim residents are 65 years or older. The median household income in Elim is $57083, making it a very attractive place to live. In addition to being close to the national median, the population is also home to a high number of low-income families.