Fort Greely, Alaska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What Are the Demographics of Fort Greely City? First, you can see how many people live in Fort Greely. Fort Greely is 64% male. This gender imbalance may not seem like a big deal. However, many studies show that women who are in a place with a high gender ratio are less likely to marry the least attractive man. Additionally, the dearth of women in Fort Greely may lead to an increase in aggression and antisocial behavior.

In terms of income, Fort Greely residents pay an average of $800 in property taxes. Their median income is significantly lower than the national average ($64,5712), but still below the national average. Compared to the average US city, Fort Greely's income inequality is lower than the national average, at 0.44. There are 20 full-time employees in Fort Greely. The majority of them drive alone. The remainder carpool to work. One-third of Fort Greely residents walk or bike to work.

The following chart shows the population and steets of Fort Greely. You can zoom in and out of the map by using the arrow buttons. The information is intended for reference only. If you want to view the map, please read and agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before proceeding further. So, what are the Demographics of Fort Greely? And What About the Crime Rates?