Ft Wainwright, Alaska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Ft Wainwright City, Alaska is roughly 26,053 people. The majority of these people are white. The age range is very wide, ranging from 18 to 44 years old. There are also a large number of families with children under 18 years old. The vacancy rate is slightly below average, with fewer than 3% of houses vacant.

The median home value in Wainwright, AK is $94,400. This is lower than the national average of $95,000. The median home ownership rate is 61.9% and the average household owns 0 cars. The median household income is $39,500.

The city has a low poverty rate of 1.37%. The median household income is $62,292. This is well below the national average. There are 437 people living in Wainwright. The majority of these people are citizens. However, there are some foreign-born residents. The largest percentage of foreign-born residents are Filipinos and Koreans.

Ft Wainwright, AK has 174 employees. Of these, 43 people are employed in Public Administration and 33 are employed in Educational Services. The highest paying jobs are in Professional, Scientific, & Management Services. The lowest paying jobs are in Construction & Extraction.