The growth of the residential community in Haines City has been explosive in recent years, especially with its proximity to Walt Disney World Resort and Orlando. In addition, new residential communities are being built on the outer edges of town. The city has also put out a request for proposals (RFP) for the redevelopment of a portion of its downtown area, focusing on office and residential space. This city is also open to developing a parking garage, though the development of this project will be dependent on a number of factors.
In addition to US 17/92, US 27/92 enters Haines City from Lake Alfred in the west and bisects the city on its 17th Street. US 27 connects Haines City to I-4 and further south to Sebring, Lake Wales, and Miami. State Road 17, also known as "10th Street," winds through the hills of eastern Polk County, providing an enjoyable drive south to Lake Hamilton, Dundee, and Sebring.
The city has a population of 13,174 as of the 2000 census. Haines City is located in the Lakeland-Winter Haven Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). The city was platted in 1885 and was formerly known as Clay Cut. Haines City, which was named for the famous explorer Colonel Henry Haines, is one of the fastest growing cities in Florida. The area is also ideal for special events and businesses.