Kaltag, Alaska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning a visit to the city of Kaltag, Alaska, it might help to know the Population & Steets in Kaltags. A map will help you explore the area and learn about the local community. You can also find out about the cities that are close to Kaltag, AK. This list includes major cities with populations over 200,000. You can use these cities as a starting point for your search.

The majority of households in Kaltag, AK are headed by a married couple. The median age of Kaltag residents is 48.3, whereas Koyukuk residents are 12.4% older. The percentages of single men and women are equal. The median household income for males and females is $21,800, while the percentage of singles is $34,100. Although Kaltag is smaller than Koyukuk, it has a higher percentage of households headed by women than males.

The population of Kaltag was originally from other villages downstream on the Innoko River. These people fish for sheefish in the winter and king salmon in the summer. In 1983, they teamed up with Eskimo tribes in the lower Yukon to gain access to the river. This allowed them to drift net silver salmon. However, this was not a safe option for Kaltag, and the population has been declining since.

Foreign-born residents make up 7.8% of the total population in Kaltag, AK. However, Kaltag has the highest percentage of non-citizens in Alaska. The city is also one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the United States. With a population of 95.6%, the city has a diverse population. If you're a military veteran, you'll be glad to know that there are many Kaltag veterans.