Kotlik, Alaska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Kotlik is about 640 people. According to the most recent census data, the city has increased by 25.0% over the past decade. The median home price is $102,300, and the percentage of home owners who own their properties has dropped by -3.0% in the last decade. The median home price is also lower than the national average, so it might be better to sell your property before the current market value drops.

Demographics indicate that the population of Kotlik is younger than the country as a whole. In fact, the median age is 15.6% lower than the median age for Americans. The highest percentage of residents are Asian. There are few Americans of Asian descent in Kotlik. However, there are a number of people of Asian descent. There is a small percentage of middle-aged residents.

The USPS uses the default name for a city for postal purposes. This name is commonly known as Kotlik, AK. The estimated population is 4,560 by 2020. The population of Kotlik is spread across three villages. The town's population is categorized as Lower Middle Class. The local unemployment rate is 3.6%. This is a high rate for any small town, but it's better than nothing.