Nikolaevsk, Alaska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How Many People Live in Nikolaevsk? Nikolaevsk is a small town in the state of Alaska. Its population is about 285 people, and the average commute time is about 20.0 minutes. Nikolaevsk is within 495 miles of many other cities. It's located within Alaska's largest metro area, but there are also many smaller towns.

The younger generation in Nikolaevsk speaks English, and many of them are even proficient enough to converse in Slavonic. However, Slavonic will eventually die out in Nikolaevsk, and the younger generation is largely bilingual. It's not clear who will be the next priest, but there is no question that Nikolaevsk has a rich history.

The median age in Nikolaevsk City is 39.7, which is higher than the average of 39.6 nationwide. In terms of ethnicity, the city has a majority of White residents, and is made up of approximately a quarter of this population. There are also several residents who identify as Hispanic. There are 14 Hispanics living in Nikolaevsk. One quarter of the population was born abroad.

In 1866, the Russian government lifted the religious restrictions in Nikolaev, making Jewish burghers permanent residents. The law allowed them to live in Nikolaev and work there. During the 19th century, Nikolayev's Jewish community grew to become the center of Jewish religious life. Although the Jewish population was smaller than the rest of the population, it maintained its culture and synagogues.