Looking for the Population & Steets in Sha geluk City? This article will give you some info. Shageluk is a city located in the state of Alaska. The city has a population of fewer than 2,500 people. The time zone for Shageluk is Alaska Standard Time. The city is a second class city. The city has a library and has a telephone number.
The population of Shageluk is relatively young compared to the United States. The median age is just 29.5 years old, which is almost eight years younger than the national median age of 37.9%. This is why the median age of Shageluk is much lower than the U.S. average. In addition, the median home price is $9400, which is less than the national average of $120,000.
Whether you're looking for the population of a city or simply the Steets of the people living in that community, you'll find it in the SHAGELUK ZIP Code. This area includes a school, hospital, museum, and university. You'll also find a library that serves the community. There's a high school, and an elementary school. The rest of the community is part of the Iditarod School District.