A population and steets map of Soldotna City, Alaska can be useful for a number of reasons, including sales catchment area and distribution or delivery, job search, and relocation. This map can also be helpful for those visiting Soldotna, Alaska, or traveling through the city. It shows the number of residents, including those born outside the United States, who are the most common race in the city.
The population and steets of Soldotna are updated annually by the US Census Bureau. Use a date field of 2021 to ensure your export reflects the most current figures. Select the date range for export, and then filter the results by east or south. You can also input new specific values, or use dropdown presets. If you don't want to use the population and steets data, you can always select the population by date and place.
The population of Soldotna was first recorded as a village in the 1960 U.S. Census. It formally became a city in 1967. It is the third most populous community in the greater Soldotna area. It is the only Alaskan city where the median age is 35. The population is expected to increase to 4,700 by 2021.
The population and steets of Soldotna are not yet complete. It has a C1 Census Class Code, but serves as the Kenai Spur Highway. The Kenai Spur Highway connects the north-central neighborhoods to the rest of the city. There are also private schools in the area. However, the city's schools are administered by the Kenai Peninsula Borough District.