South Naknek, Alaska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are some statistics for the population of South Naknek. They will give you an idea of the city's racial and ethnic makeup. Most residents of South Naknek identify themselves as white. The darker shades indicate a higher racial majority. You can also view diversity scores in this city. These statistics are tagged to residential addresses.

The violent crime rate in South Naknek City is approximately 2.65 crimes per thousand residents. While people in this city consider the east part to be safer than the rest, the northeast portion is the most violent. While this might seem counterintuitive, crime does occur where people gather. It is important to note that violent crime rates do vary by neighborhood and are often a result of factors beyond the area's size.

The highest paying job in South Naknek, AK is in the management, business, and financial sector. People in this field earn the highest salaries in South Naknek. However, the poverty rate is low among other races. The percentage of people living in poverty in South Naknek is 0.00 percent for full-time workers and 7.41% for part-time workers.

The median property value in South Naknek, AK is $137,500. This is lower than the national average of 64.1%. The percentage of homeowners in South Naknek, AK is 40%. Most residents commute to work by some form of transportation. The average commute time was 37.2 minutes. Approximately 70% of households in South Naknek owned two cars.