The Population & Steets in Unasaka City are an important part of the statistics of this Alaskan city. Listed below are the latest statistics about the city's population and its steets. Unalaska is located in Aleutians West County. The population of Unalaska is expected to reach 4,432 by 2020. In fact, it has grown by 1.42% since the last census in 2010.
According to the US Census Bureau, Unalaska has a diverse population. The population is composed of 1.09k White people, 2.2k Asian residents, and 299 Two+ individuals. The median household income for residents in Unalaska is $16,890. The median age is 36.2 years. In terms of race, the population of Unalaska is more evenly distributed than in most of Alaska's other cities.
The population is evenly spread. The town was originally called Utqiagvik by the native Inupiat people. During the 1890s, it was renamed Barrow, which was a more pronounceable name for American immigrants. After it was incorporated in 1957, the name was changed due to a voter referendum. Despite the name change, the city's population is increasing steadily.
Unalaska City is the second largest city in Alaska, with a population of over 6,000. The city is located along the Kuskokwim River. The town is home to a thriving Yup'ik culture. The population of Unalaska City is estimated to grow by more than one percent by 2022. The city is home to several Alaskan Indian villages and is the county seat of Valdez-Cordova Census Area.